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Paul Speed

topics & questions:

  • Journey of reconciling their marriage
  • Why did you start “Whatever It Takes Ministries”
  • Practical ways to battle temptation
  • What should confession of sin look like?
  • What is the difference between confession vs accountability?
  • Practical tips for singles.
  • How guys can actually find freedom
  • Advice for a husband and wife who need to work through confession of current or past failures
  • How detailed should we be in confession?
  • Overcoming shame
  • Solving the root issue
  • Is there a place for fences and boundaries?
  • Rebuilding trust
  • The critical role of humility
  • Story of the orange tree
  • What should you say to your fiancé?
  • Are you willing to do whatever it takes?

links & resources:

about Paul:

Paul Speed is the founder of “Whatever It Takes Ministries”, a ministry that seeks to bring wholeness to marriages and individuals. Paul and Jenny Speed have spoken around the world and have helped many find freedom in their lives and a deeper love for God. Their open and honest discussions will comfort and challenge you, and their life message will give you hope and direction.

Paul also founded “4 Days 2 Freedom” for men.  Paul conducts intensive weekends to help men break free from pornography and sexual addictions.

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