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Eric Ludy

topics & questions:

  • Manhood and masculinity
  • Rejecting the lies of the enemy
  • Eric’s Journey
  • We want something that works
  • The power of Jesus Christ
  • What is God’s design and purpose for men?
  • Be a threat to the Devil!
  • Confession and Accountability
  • How to identify red flags
  • How does sanctification work?
  • What do you say to your children about this, and at what age?
  • When do you approach “The Talk?”
  • How do you give “The Talk?”
  • Eric’s recommended resources! (linked below)
  • How does the Gospel apply to our daily life?

links & resources:

about Eric:

Eric Ludy is the bestselling author of eighteen books and is a highly respected voice in Christianity on issues such as prayer, faith, godly masculinity, Christian relationships, and Christ-centered rescue work. 

Eric and his wife, Leslie, are well-known for their book When God Writes Your Love Story (initially published in 1998), which still ranks as one of the top selling Christian relationship books of all time. Eric and Leslie have been married over twenty-five years and have six children, four of whom were adopted.

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